About Us


The source of the word, RENAISSER comes from the RENAISSance. It is a team of young people who revitalize the RENAISSance, so we define we are RenaissER of RENAISSance. In the Renaissance, painting creation is the most important thing, and it is the core value of culture and art. It is a pity that in the process of industrialization, it gradually withered and faded, and the paintbrush gradually moves away from the ordinary people's life.



The use of the pen itself is born for creation, and the use of the pen should not be limited to different electronic devices.  We are committed to creating digital pens that can be freely switched between various  electronic MPP products, let the users truly feel the seamless conncetion between the technologies and humans.  Not to be the second or third, we are designed to be the Number one.


Spirit of RENAISSER 

The spirit of Renaisser is devoted to offer the best feeling for writting and painting

  • Practical design
  • Pretty design
  • Truly match the demand of business persons
  • Think about how to benefit the users' daily life



Taiwan Office Team staff trip